Since 1930, our local crystal glassworks have cultivated exceptional know-how and expertise, combining tradition and innovation. Each crystal creation embodies excellence and timelessness, the fruit of meticulous and passionate work by our craftsmen. With no intermediaries, Cristallerie de Montbronn aims to offer its customers a direct, transparent relationship, and, above all, the sharing.

Vetrerie Di Empoli
In the first years of the last century, Vetrerie di Empoli began to produce artistic glassware for dining, alongside its traditional lines of wine flasks and demijohns; the venture soon became a commercial success, with an unexpected artistic and cultural impact.
In 1935, decades ahead of its time, Vetrerie di Empoli opened branded stores in Rome, Turin and Milan, and the green glass of Empoli began to be seen in many Italian homes.
With the passing of time, the traditional glassware evolved from plain rustic styles to increasingly elegant designs, and additional stores sprang up in Milan, first in Via Pietro Verri and then in the chic central location of via Montenapoleone.
Today, Vetrerie di Empoli routinely welcomes the most sophisticated international clientele, satisfying their demands for a distinctive product of high quality and innovative, striking design.
This excellence is guaranteed by the family’s dedication to realizing new and original collections, some even patented internationally, thanks to expertise accumulated over more than a century.

Frederik Bagger
Frederik Bagger Copenhagen
Frederik Bagger ble etablert i 2014. I dag selger selskapet mer enn 450 forskjellige eksklusive produkter i mer enn +500 butikker i Norden. Det er også etablert selvstendige digitale butikker i Danmark, Norge, Sverige og Tyskland.
Vårt store varemerke er krystallglasset vårt som tåler ekstreme temperatursvingninger, oppvaskmaskin og som kommer med garanti mot glasspest.
Frederik Baggers visjon er å skape fremtidens tradisjoner ved å kontinuerlig utfordre en tradisjonstung industri gjennom innovative og moderne løsninger av høyeste kvalitet. Løsninger som anerkjenner arven og det store arbeidet som har blitt gjort, men som samtidig fryktløst går nye veier.